Thursday, December 3, 2015

Continued Sparkle Sells


Make a list of all things that need:
• Repair
• Replacement
• Cleaning
• Removal

Every property has items that need repair. Get rid of these psychic sappers. You may have learned to live with them, but the buyer hasn't.

Grab a notepad and start a thorough inspection of your property.
List everything that needs repair or replacement.

With your repair item check list in hand, begin your inspection:

• Start at the driveway
• Look critically at the front yard
• Are the sprinklers working?
• Does the lawn look good?
• Is it mowed?
• Does the driveway have oil spots?
• You get the idea.
• Now start with the roof
• How are the gutters and down spouts?
• Go inside the property and complete the same careful inspection
• Include minor and major repairs
• Look at the property as if you were the buyer
• Be meticulous. Remember buyers are looking for ways to discount your asking price

Make notes of everything that needs repair.  Estimate the cost - Check off items as you complete each repair.

It is a good idea to save repair receipts to show the buyer.

Repair Item Check List

  • Leaky faucets
  • Grease spots driveway and garage
  • Worn siding
  • Carpet (clean or replace)
  • Windows clean with ammonia and water
  • Replace cracked window panes
  • Fresh flowers in window boxes and planters
  • Replace torn screens and clean existing
  • screens
  • Replace front screen with a decorator door
  • Clean yard (mow and get rid of weeds)
  • Haul away ALL junk and debris
  • Repair roof (flashings, gutters, and down
  • spouts)
  • New roof (provide buyer with a roofing
  • warranty)
  • Old appliances cleaned with undiluted bleach
  • Old tubs treated with a new porcelain coat
  • Clean mildew from grout or re-caulk
  • Buy a new shower curtain
  • Service heating and air conditioning system
  • Paint exterior or give a power pressure bath
  • Paint interior (off white)
  • Paint or replace mail box

Bold wallpaper/drapes make room look small

Complete all repairs. If money is in short supply, consider:
• A quick cash loan of a few hundred dollars
• A equity loan if repairs are a major expense
It will be worth borrowing from your equity, as it will allow you to get top dollar for the property.

Leave nothing for the buyer to use to discount your asking price.
Completing needed repairs will get you Top Dollar.

For a free How to Sell buy Owner book
send a request to
Just put free FSBO book in the subject line

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Monday, November 2, 2015

Sparkle Sells FSBO Houses

First Impressions:

“You Never Get A Second Chance To Make A First Impression.”

This statement is never more true then the moment a prospective buyer arrives at your property.

Every detail leaves an indelible mark on the buyer's psyche, and buyers buy on emotion.
Their first impression of your house is critical to their buying decision.

• You are trying to create a powerful first impression for the buyer
• One that invites them to buy 

The yard, the driveway, the windows and the exterior must sparkle.

Buyers look for reasons to eliminate the property from consideration.

They look for reasons to discount your asking price.

By making your property sparkle, you hope to stop the buyer's discount clock from ticking. Add Sparkle - Sparkle Sells

You want the buyer to add up the benefits of buying your property. You want them to want yours rather than the one down the street.


• Replacing Appliances
• Carpet
• Fresh Paint
• Windows Professionally Cleaned
• Landscaping
• Garage Floor Cleaned or Resurfaced

There are many things you can do to make the property more presentable and desirable.

Stuff to do to make it sparkle:

Mirrors make small areas seem large. Use mirrors extensively. Call a local glass company for pricing.

House Numbers. Get new large house numbers. Be sure they are visible from the street.

Odors - Quit smoking indoors while your property is on the market. Many buyers are allergic to smoke. You might lose a willing and able buyer if they detect smoke odors.

Pet odors -  Use a mild constant flow deodorizer. Keep litter boxes, bird cages, and kennels clean.

Entry  - Consider installing mirrors or recessed lighting. Consider a skylight.

Stuff - Collections, walls lined with photos, overstuffed chairs etc. are disadvantageous to showing the property. 

Rent a storage unit, remove clutter. Clean off  kitchen counter tops and put away small appliances.

Fill nail holes with putty or toothpaste.

Children Toys must be picked up. Keep all rooms clear of clutter.

Thin out clothes and shoes. Clutter creates a fear that there is not enough space. 

Consider having a yard sale. You might even find a buyer at the sale.

Arrange furniture in a manner that keeps walking areas clear. 

Think open space.

Be sure your home owners insurance covers mishaps to visitors Guns and Jewelry should be in a safe deposit box or other safe place while on the market.

Pets must be kept out of the way while showing the property. Birds must be in cages.

We'll bring you part two next time.

In the Meantime Check out our website at

Got a FSBO questions?  send me an email at 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Paying Too Much Commission?

We offer Flat Fee MLS for just $500 and Full Service MLS for just $2500

Visit  or call 719-687-5670  or email for details.

We service the Pikes Peak Region.

Monday, October 5, 2015

How Does Flat Fee MLS Work?


When you are ready to sell real estate you have options, I know many of you think you have to list with a broker and pay outrageous commissions. That is not true. You can sell by owner or you can sell by owner and take advantage of Multiple listing services as well.
Let me compare the two services for you, then you decide.

What do brokers do for 6%?

They do a number of services. The most common of these is:

1. List your property on the local Multiple Listing Service

2. Review and/or write your purchase agreement.

3. Act as a transaction coordinator who follows your contract through to closing.

4. They usually set showings.

5. They will give you a sign with their number on it

6. They usually provide a lockbox

7. Most will prepare flyers, with their contact information on it.

On a $200,000 dollar property you commission would be $12,000 or more.

What do flat fee brokers do?

1. List your property on the local Multiple Listing Service for a Flat Fee, usually around $200.00  Some services charge considerably more than that. Do some research to find the best service and the best price.

2. Review and/or write your purchase agreement. This is a separate fee, usually around $279.00.

3. Act as a transaction coordinator who follows your contract through to closing. A separate fee, usually around $379.00

4. You set the showings around what is convenient for you and the buyer.

5. You have your own sign with your phone number as contact.

6.You have a key box, and you control who has access to it.

7. You create your own flyers with your contact number or you can get free flyers from a local title company or a lender.

The great thing about the flat fee service is you can pick and choose the services you want and pay only for those you need.

What will you do with all the money you save?

If you bought all the separate services, your cost would be less than $1,000.

If sold by a MLS broker and you paid a coop fee, you would still save between $5,000 and $6,000 thousands dollars.

Since you can still sell by owner, if you were able to find your own buyer, you would pay no coop fee. This would not be an option with the 6% listing.  You could save more than $11,000 dollars. Not bad.

Benefits of using Flat Fee MLS:

1. You save time - properties usually sell faster
2. You save money - properties usually sell for top dollar
3. You maintain control - Brokers have a lot of control with 6% listings
4. You can sell by owner and owe no commission - No so with full service listings.
5. You can cancel at any time - May or may not be true with full service listings
6. You get far greater exposure to qualified buyers
7. You get thousands of Brokers with qualified buyers to help sell your house
8. You most likely will get listed on as well as the local MLS

What to look for in your Flat Fee broker

All flat fee brokerages are not alike and there are many scams. Some call their service MLS when in fact they are not even members of the MLS. They may not be licensed real estate agents. They take your money and put you ©on their web site but not on the Realtor’s MLS.

So do some investigating. Find out:

1. Do the have experience with for sale by owners?
2. Are they members of your local MLS?
3. Are they licensed Brokers in your state?
4. Do they maintain an office locally? And do they have a local phone and address?
5. Are they easily accessible by phone, fax, email and mail?
6. Avoid large franchise companies and Multilevel Marketing scams

Things you need to do as a FSBO:

1. Detach from the property.
2. Clean house and garage.
3. Learn how to stage the property
4. Research other properties in your neighborhood so you can price it right.
5. Put away all valuables while you’re on the market
6. Get flyers for your buyers


So why wouldn’t you do Flat Fee MLS instead of full service 6% commission?

There are lots of reasons people choose to go with a higher commission and I respect their choice.
I think you’d be wise to look into Flat Fee MLS services in your area first and then compare the two and make an informed decision.

Please give us your feedback or ask a question at

Vistit our web site at

Copyright© Wee Dilts 2009

Monday, June 22, 2015

Do You Know the Five Realtor Red Flags?

Realtors have a National Code of Ethics. Their professional organizations, local, state and nationally all subscribe to this Code of professional behavior.

Most Realtors follow and adhere to the Code; however, as in any profession there are the few who don’t.

It is these few that give Brokers a public trust rating just above that of used car salesmen.

So what can you, the public, do to insure that you are working with a professional real estate Broker?

Let me share with you Five Red Flags that signal “Look out, danger ahead.”

Don’t even think about working with a Broker who shows any of these five warning signals.

Most Brokers are ethical and truly provide professional service, the five red flags presented here refer to the bad apples, not the whole bushel.

These few who engage in practices which may damage the public and discredit their profession are not representative but do exist and you need to protect yourself from them.

The behaviors I’ve described in the Five Red Flags, directly violate the Code of Ethics. A Brokers’ lack of ethical behavior does not connote competency, fairness and high integrity.

No Broker should behave in a manner contrary to their professional Code.

No inducement of profit or desire to grab a commission should justify their departure from the Code. The Code of Ethics is  based on the golden rule.

Five Red Flags

Red Flag One:

A Broker shall not disparage other companies. If you hear a Broker saying things like, “well nobody works with that company.” Or “No one will work the flat fee listings.” These comments not only go against the Code of Ethics, but they are also against the Federal Fair Trade and Antitrust laws. This is a violation which is so serious it can warrant loss of license and perhaps jail time.

Red Flag Two:

A Broker tells you he can sell your house for a higher price than the market shows. The Code states that Realtors shall avoid exaggeration and over inflating a sales price just to get your listing. A higher price for your house is music to your ears but do you really want to just sit on the market?

Be cautious of over inflated listing prices. Overpricing does not sell houses and the Broker violates the Code.

Red Flag Three:

A Broker solicits your listing when you are already listed with another broker. The Code specifically forbids a Broker from purposely soliciting your listing when you are listed with another company.

A Broker offers to advertise your property for you, even tho you’re not listed with them. The Code states they may not do so without authority. Authority requires a written contract. Be aware. Be alert. There is no free ride.

Red Flag Four:

A Broker tells you that real estate commissions are a percentage fixed by law. Not true. A commission is determined by what the seller is  willing to pay. A Broker may refuse to work for less then six percent; that’s up to them. You are not required to pay any set percentage or fee.

Any attempt of any sort to gain unfair advantage of you or their competitors is a violation of the National code of ethics.

Red Flag Five:

A Broker pressures you to sign the contract immediately not wanting you to have time to think about it.

Brokers spend a lot or time in classes that teach them how to close, how to get your signature. There is nothing wrong with that; however, you do have the right to “sleep on” your decision.

Don’t be bullied into signing before you’re ready.


Be alert to these five red flags. If a Broker shows you any of these behaviors, run away, don’t walk, run from any Broker’s you feel are exhibiting these behaviors.

You can help  clean up the real estate profession if you report these violators to the local board of Realtors.

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